Whiterocks Fish Hatchery Gets More Than a Face Lift
New hatchery should produce more than 130,000 pounds of fish
Whiterocks -- When members of the Northeastern Regional Advisory Council and
Utah Wildlife Board visited the Whiterocks State Fish Hatchery with employees
from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources recently, most of them didn't
recognize the place.
The old, dilapidated, white, wooden hatchery building built in 1923 was gone. So
were the old office/storage building and three sets of old, crumbling, concrete
raceways. In their place stood a large, modern concrete block building. They also
watched as construction workers quickly worked to finish pouring new concrete
The $6 million construction project they saw was more than a face-lift*the entire
system has been rebuilt.
"We will be able to triple our production," said Ron Morrill, who manages the
UDWR hatchery near Whiterocks, about 30 miles northeast of Roosevelt.
"The old hatchery could raise 45,000 pounds of fish under prime conditions; the
new one should produce over 130,000 pounds of fish," Morrill said. "There will be
fewer outside raceways, but the new ones will be wider and better designed so they
will have about the same amount of space, but they will raise more fish.
"It's in our new building, and some new technology, that we see the greatest changes."
The new building contains a main room with 42 new troughs. There's enough space in the building that a truck can be
driven into the center of it. This provides easy access to the troughs and makes it easier for hatchery personnel to move
fish, equipment and other materials.
"Each of the new troughs is worth about six of the old ones, and there were only 12 troughs in the old building," Morrill
said. "Another room contains water columns and trays for hatching eggs. The large interior bay will allow us to work on
trucks and other equipment, and then we have an office space and a couple of small storerooms for fish food and other
things. The bulk of our fish food will be stored in another storage facility close to the outside raceways."
The hatchery's improved technology includes an oxygenation system and baffles.
"The entire fish rearing facility is tied into an oxygenation system," Morrill said. "A major limitation to fish production
is the amount of oxygen available in the water. The more fish, the more dissolved oxygen is needed. Our system will
allow us to inject oxygen into the water to maintain the oxygen at a high level, which translates to healthier fish and
increased production.
"Another improvement is the baffles, which direct water flow along the bottom to waste collection areas and then up
over walls to spill into the next raceway holding area. The baffles will help increase oxygen levels while making it
easier to remove waste and clean the troughs and raceways."
The Whiterocks hatchery is already raising some fish, and should be in full production by late spring 2007.
"We have some eggs and fry in the hatching area and troughs right now," Morrill said. "Currently, we are hatching out
kokanee salmon eggs and raising rainbows, including some that are triploid to make them sterile. Eventually we could
be raising rainbows, brook trout, kokanee and several strains of Colorado River cutthroat trout. Most of these will go to
local waters, but some will be transported to other areas throughout the state.
"The construction on the main building is complete; we just need to put in some more screens and add a few other
finishing touches," Morrill said. "The raceways should be poured by early next year. Then we'll finish up by filling in
around the raceways and paving a parking lot around the buildings. We're at a projected rate of 98,000 pounds of fish
this year, and will be able to raise over 130,000 once we are fully functional.
"With our increased production, we plan to hire another full-time employee and get a bigger fish hauling truck."
History of the Whiterocks Hatchery
In 1923, the state of Utah acquired a unique site near Whiterocks, about 30 miles northeast of Roosevelt. The springs at
this site made it perfect for raising fish, and by the end of the year a hatchery building was constructed along with a set
of rearing ponds. As time and funding permitted, three sets of concrete raceways were added. These raceways provided a
more productive system than the earthen ponds that the hatchery began with.
From the early to mid-1900s, Whiterocks was a state-of-the-art facility. Fish
eggs, gathered from around Utah and other parts of the Western states, were
placed in trays where hatchery staff could watch them until they hatched into
fry. The fry were first moved to the troughs inside the building, where they
were fed a high protein diet of whatever meats the managers could find,
including carp, roadkill and dead or old animals donated by local ranchers.
At first, managers stocked the fry into lakes and streams, but they soon
learned that larger fish survived better, so managers began raising the fish
longer. As the fish grew larger, they were moved to the outside raceways
before being stocked into lakes and streams.
By the time Whiterocks was built, trucks had replaced horse-drawn carts as the preferred way to move fish. Fry and later
fingerlings were placed in 10-gallon milk cans and were either driven directly to the water or to a trailhead, where they
were taken to their final destination by foot or horseback. Most of today's 400 managed waters on the South Slope of the
Uinta Mountains were originally stocked by horseback.
Hatchery managers also experimented to find better techniques to feed fish. Flour and other finely ground materials
were added to the ground meats. This created a better nutritional mix. Eventually, managers at Utah's Glenwood State
Fish Hatchery helped develop a completely dry food, which was easier to manage, store and feed to the fish. Today, the
Whiterocks hatchery buys fish food from commercial companies that use some of the techniques and information
originally developed in Utah's state fish hatchery system.
Stocking techniques also improved over time, with the equipment the hatchery staff used progressing from 10-gallon
cans to trucks carrying huge tanks. The Whiterocks hatchery currently uses a truck with a single 400-gallon tank, but it
also ships fish out on a UDWR truck equipped with four 400-gallon tanks.
The horses also have been replaced. In July, August and sometimes into September, hatchery personnel get up before
dawn and load their trucks with small fingerlings. These fish trucks aren't heading to a lake or reservoir, though: they're
going to meet a UDWR airplane equipped with a special tank.
Measured numbers of fingerlings and a limited amount of water are placed into one of several small compartments in
the tank. The fingerlings and water are then flown to a high mountain lake or reservoir. Once the pilot arrives at the
body of water, he lines his plane up with it, dives as close as safety allows and releases one or more compartments of
fingerlings. Due to the relative shapes of water droplets and fingerlings, the water hits the surface first, creating splashes
and waves that allow the fish to enter the water safely.
Managers at the Whiterocks hatchery continued to be innovative in other ways. These ways included experimenting with
a water column, which helps provide oxygen while reducing the loss of eggs to fungus and other diseases. The
hatchery's managers were often called upon to hatch and grow fish that had been difficult to raise in a hatchery situation.
However, while innovative methods for handling and raising eggs, fry and fingerlings helped improve production at the
hatchery for almost 80 years, time had the final say. Concrete crumbled, wood rotted and pipes rusted, and the once
modern hatchery needed to be replaced with a new, state-of-the-art facility.
Restrictions on Shed Antler Gathering approved for Northern Utah
Hunts to reduce small bull elk on four limited entry units also approved
Salt Lake City -- Ideas to help some of Utah's deer and elk herds were discussed at the Nov. 30 meeting of the Utah
Wildlife Board.
By the time the meeting was over, restrictions on shed antler gathering had been approved for northern Utah. A
recommendation that will allow hunters to take small bull elk on four limited entry units in southern Utah was also
approved with some minor changes from what the Division of Wildlife Resources had originally recommended.
All of the big game rules the board approved will be available in the 2007 Utah Big Game Proclamation. The
proclamation should be available by early January.
Among the recommendations the board approved were the following:
Two Changes in Northern Utah
- From Feb. 1 to April 30, 2007, antlers shed by big game animals may not be gathered in the Northern Region. This
closure affects all of the land in the Northern Region.
- Two thousand Northern Region hunters can take both a buck deer
and a bull elk during a new combination buck deer/bull elk hunt this
A total of 2,000 Northern Region general season buck deer permits
will be taken from the Northern Region allotment and made
available for the new hunt. Hunters who draw one of the permits will
also receive an any bull elk permit.
The new buck deer/bull elk hunt will be held Oct. 6 * 18 on any bull
elk units in the Northern Region. Hunters who draw one of these
permits can take both a buck deer and a bull elk.
"The Cache Deer Working Group has been looking for ways to help deer herds in Cache and Rich counties," says Craig
McLaughlin, big game coordinator for the DWR. "They've also been looking for ways to reduce the number of hunters
on the Cache unit during the general rifle buck deer hunt."
McLaughlin says closing the Northern Region to shed antler gathering from Feb. 1 * April 30 should help deer herds
across the region, including the herds in Cache and Rich counties.
"By the time winter ends big game animals, especially deer, are very stressed," he says. "Not allowing people to gather
antlers during this time of the year should help more deer make it all the way through the winter. The does should also
be in better condition, and that will help them produce bigger, healthier fawns next spring."
McLaughlin says the new buck deer/bull elk hunt in the region should help reduce hunting pressure on the Cache unit.
"The Cache unit does not have an any-bull elk unit on it," he says. "Hunters who draw a permit for the new hunt won't
be hunting on the Cache unit during the regular rifle deer hunt that's held later in October."
Helping Four of Utah's Best Elk Herds
The board also approved a recommendation that should help the elk herds on the Monroe, Pahvant, San Juan and
Southwest Desert limited entry units in southern Utah by reducing the number of smaller bull elk.
To reduce the number of smaller bulls, in the spring the board will approve additional rifle hunting permits for the
Monroe, Pahvant and Southwest Desert units. These permits will be available for the hunt in late November.
On the San Juan unit, the additional permits will be available for the archery hunt that begins in August.
Thirty percent of the permits will be available to hunters who are less than 18 years of age, and 30 percent will be
available to hunters who are 65 years of age or older. The remaining 40 percent will be available to hunters of all ages.
Hunters who draw the permits will be encouraged to take a bull elk with five or less antler points. Hunters who take a
larger bull will not be allowed to keep the bull. They'll also lose any bonus points they've accrued, and they'll incur a
waiting period that won't allow them to apply for a limited entry elk permit for five years.
"These herds need some help," McLaughlin says. "The number of bull elk and cow elk on the units is almost equal.
These hunts will protect the larger bulls while allowing more of the smaller bulls to be taken.
"Taking more of the smaller bulls will provide room in the herds for more cow elk. The calves produced by these extra
cows should help ensure that the four herds remain healthy and strong for years to come."
Not Approved
A recommendation to lengthen the general rifle deer buck hunt to nine days in southern Utah was among the
recommendations the board did not approve.
"Plenty of rain and snow over the past two years has really helped the vegetation and the deer herds in southern Utah,"
McLaughlin says. "The number of bucks per 100 does has increased to an average of 15 bucks per 100 does, which is
the minimum goal set in the state's deer management plans."
Even though deer herds are improving, hunters were still concerned about the effect four extra days of hunting would
have on the herds.
"Most of the bucks taken during any deer hunt are taken during the first weekend of the hunt," McLaughlin says.
"Because most of the bucks are taken during the opening weekend, we don't believe adding four additional days to the
hunt would have hurt the herds.
"We also wanted to provide young hunters and their families with an extra weekend of hunting. Because of their school
and church commitments, many young people can only hunt on the weekends. The current five-day hunt limits many of
them to one day of hunting."
For more information, call the nearest Division of Wildlife Resources office or the DWR's Salt Lake City office at (801)
Fishing and Hunting Licenses Make Great Christmas Gifts
Utah fishing and hunting licenses make great Christmas gifts, and they're easy to buy.
Utah fishing, small game and combination licenses (combination licenses allow the license holder to fish and hunt small
game) are available at the Division of Wildlife Resource's Web site ( http://www.wildlife.utah.gov ) and at DWR offices
and fishing and hunting license agent locations across the state.
In addition to enjoying the outdoors in 2007, the person you give the license to will receive an added bonus * they won't
have to wait until Jan. 1 to use it. These licenses are 365-day licenses that are good for 365 days from the day they're
purchased. For example, if you purchase the license on Dec. 12, 2006, the person you give it to can use it immediately
and can continue using it until Dec. 11, 2007.
In addition to fishing, small game and combination licenses, two-pole permits, setline permits and cougar pursuit
permits are also available. Two-pole and setline permits are 365-day permits. Cougar pursuit permits are good for the
season for which they're issued.
Buyers are reminded that the combination license does not include a deer or elk permit and does not allow someone to
hunt deer or elk. Hunters may apply for a 2007 general deer permit in January. General elk permits will be available,
over-the-counter, in June.
Many Ways to Buy One
If you have a major credit card, you can purchase a license or permit at the Division of Wildlife Resource's Web site (
http://www.wildlife.utah.gov ). You can have the license mailed to you (so you can wrap it and give it as a gift) or you
can have it mailed directly to the person you're buying it for. It may take up to five days for the license to arrive in the mail.
The same items also may be purchased at DWR offices and from hunting and fishing license agents across the state.
Utah resident license and permit costs are as follows:
Fishing license (14 - 64 years old) $26
Fishing license (65 years old and older) $21
Two-pole permit $15
Setline permit $15
Small game license (under 14 years of age) $11
Small game license (14 years old and older) $17
Combination license $34
Cougar pursuit permit $30
They're Easy to Buy
"Purchasing a license for someone is easy," says Judi Tutorow, wildlife licensing coordinator for the DWR. "If you're
visiting a DWR office or our Web site, all you'll need to provide is the person's personal information -- name, height,
weight, eye color, hair color, date of birth, address and phone number."
If you purchase a small game or combination license from a license agent or the DWR's Web site, you also must supply
verification (known in Utah as a "blue card") that the person you're purchasing the license for has completed a DWR-approved hunter education course. The course is required for anyone born after Dec. 31, 1965 who wishes to hunt in Utah.
"License agents are not able to verify completion of a hunter education course via computer, the way we can at a DWR
office," Tutorow says.
Tutorow says it's also helpful to provide the person's Social Security and driver license numbers, but these aren't required.
Two-Pole and Setline Permits
The two-pole permit allows an angler, who must also possess a fishing license, to use two fishing poles while fishing at
Lake Powell; Flaming Gorge, Newton, Hyrum, Willard Bay, Pineview, Starvation, Yuba, D.M.A.D, and Gunlock
reservoirs; Utah Lake; Pelican Lake; Gunnison Bend; the Malad River; the Little Bear River below Valley View
Highway (SR-30); and the Bear River, from the Idaho state line downstream, including Cutler Reservoir and the outlet canals.
The setline permit allows an angler, who must also possess a fishing license, to use one setline containing not more than
15 hooks while fishing at Utah Lake; in the Bear River proper downstream from the Idaho state line, including Cutler
Reservoir and the outlet canals; the Little Bear River below Valley View Highway (SR-30); and the Malad River.
Methods of Purchase
Resident licenses may be purchased with credit cards, cash, checks or money orders. DWR offices are open from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m., Mondays through Fridays.
Those with questions may call their nearest Division of Wildlife Resources office or the DWR's Salt Lake City office at
(801) 538-4700.
DWR Proposes Small Increase in Black Bear Hunting Permits
There could be a few more black bear hunting permits available for hunts in Utah next spring and fall.
The Division of Wildlife Resources is recommending a slight increase in the number of permits available for 2007. The
DWR will share its recommendation at an upcoming series of public meetings.
Those who attend the meetings can learn more about the recommendation and can provide their input and suggestions.
Citizens from Utah's five Regional Advisory Councils will take the public input received to the Utah Wildlife Board
when it meets in Salt Lake City on Jan. 10, 2007 to approve Utah's 2007 Black Bear Proclamation.
Meeting dates, times and locations are as follows:
Southern Region
Dec. 12
7 p.m.
Beaver High School
195 E. Center St.
Southeastern Region
Dec. 13
6:30 p.m.
John Wesley Powell Museum
885 E. Main St.
Green River
Northeastern Region
Dec. 14
6:30 p.m.
Uintah Basin Applied Technology College
1100 E. Lagoon St.
Central Region
Dec. 19
6:30 p.m.
Springville Junior High School
165 S. 700 E.
Northern Region
Dec. 20
6 p.m.
Brigham City Community Center
24 N. 300 W.
Brigham City
Black Bears Permits
The number of black bear hunting permits available in Utah in 2007 would increase slightly under a DWR
recommendation to increase the number of permits to 244. In 2006, a total of 229 permits were available to public hunters.
"Utah's black bear populations are stable, and I think the populations may have even increased a bit," says Kevin
Bunnell, mammals program coordinator for the DWR. "Good precipitation over the past two years has provided more
vegetation for the bears to eat. More black bear cubs have been born during that time, and fewer bears have been coming
into campgrounds and towns."
For more information about the meetings, call the nearest Division of Wildlife Resources office or the DWR's Salt Lake
City office at (801) 538-4700.
Ligety Screams into 3rd at Birds Giant Slalom
Career fifth World Cup podium
BEAVER CREEK Colo. (Dec. 2) - Ted Ligety (Park City, UT) hammered his injured right hand on a gate at the bottom of the course Saturday, but gamely held on to grab his first podium of the season, finishing third behind Italy's Max Blardone in a World Cup giant slalom where the top three skiers were just seven-hundredths of a second apart.
On the third day of the VISA Birds of Prey races, Blardone won the Sirius Satellite Radio Men's GS in 2:27.88 with
Norway's Aksel Lund Svindal - who won the super combined Thursday - second in 2:27.92. Ligety, fifth in the first run,
powered his way to the fifth World Cup podium of his career with a time of 2:27.95.
"The first run I was holding back a bit," Ligety said, "because the snow was a little grippy and I was apprehensive about
it." But he let go of the leash in second run.
First-run leader Bode Miller (Bretton Woods, NH) was three-tenths of a second ahead early in his final run but a mistake
cost him and he finished 12th. Jimmy Cochran (Keene, NH) was 27th after finishing 28th in the super combined
Ligety: "Breaking my hand was good..."
Ligety, who broke his right index finger while training in Pitztal, Austria, in October, said he whacked a GS gate as he
came into the final pitch. He was to have it examined Saturday night but said he didn't expect any problem with racing
Sunday in the Rauch Men's Slalom that concludes the Birds of Prey race.
"I think breaking my hand was good for my GS," he said, explaining how it forced him to focus more on keeping his
balance while skiing.
Miller - who had said despite leading the first run, "It was a struggle from top to bottom, I just couldn't find the rhythm,"
he said.
Head Coach Phil McNichol said he had mixed emotions about the race
when it seemed like Miller might have nailed his second win in two
days after capturing the VISA Men's Downhill Friday. "But, y'know,
we'll take a podium any time...and Bode's clearly skiing well in GS, so
these things happen. There will be other days for him in GS."
Did gate-smack cost a win?
McNichol added, "I thought Warner [Nickerson - Gilford, NH] and Jake
[Zamansky - Aspen, CO] had outstanding runs going until they went
out, but they were on it. Their time'll come, too.
"But Ted has become so solid, even with the bad finger, and he hung in
there despite the pain at the end. No hack on that finger and he might've
won it...just seven-hundredths out. He put on quite a show," the coach said.
The VISA races conclude Sunday with the Rauch Men's Slalom and then the men's tour heads to Reiteralm, Austria, as
racing resumes in snow-starved Europe on Dec. 10. The Austrian venue will pickup the super combined race - this time
a super G (instead of DH) and slalom - originally scheduled for Val d'Isere, France.
WCSN.com will carry live streaming video of Sunday's slalom and live timing will be available at
VISA Birds of Prey
Beaver Creek, CO - Dec. 2, 2006
Sirius Satellite Radio Men's Giant Slalom
1. Max Blardone, Italy, 2:27.88
2. Aksel Lund Svindal, Norway, 2:27.92
3. Ted Ligety, Park City, UT, 2:27.95
4. Didier Cuche, Switzerland, 2:28.46
5. Didier Defago, Switzerland, 2:28.65
12. Bode Miller, Bretton Woods, NH, 2:28.99
27. Jimmy Cochran, Keene, NH, 2:30.87
December Programs and Holiday Schedule at the Ogden Nature Center
Preschool Programs:
The Ogden Nature Center is offering 3Weather Watchers2 -- a program designed for children ages 3-5. The program
will be offered Friday, December 8 at 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and again on December 12 at 9:30 a.m.
and 11:00 a.m. Children will learn about the changing weather while they listen to stories, make a winter craft and then
get warm and toasty with a winter snack. Programs are one hour and cost $3 per child. Adult chaperones are free. Space
is limited. Please call for reservations, (801) 621-7595.
Wildlife Wednesdays:
All ages are invited to the Ogden Nature Center to meet and learn about wild animals who call the Great Basin region
their home. From Bald Eagles and Barn Owls to Gopher Snakes and Desert Tortoises, each Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.
an Ogden Nature Center wildlife educator will teach you about a new species! Participants pay the regular admission fee
of $3 per adult and $1.25 per child. Ogden Nature Center members enjoy free admission. For more information, please
call 621-7595.
Holiday Hours:
The Ogden Nature Center will be closed Sunday, December 25 through Monday, January 1, 2007 for the holidays. We
will resume our regular ours of operation on Tuesday, January 2, 2007. The Ogden Nature Center is regularly open
Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Ogden Nature Center is located at 966 W. 12th Street, Ogden, UT, 84404. For more information call 801-621-7595.
Free Workshop and Information to "Celebrate Urban Birds!"
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology invites you to join in a nationwide "Celebrate Urban Birds!" event next year, May 10-13, 2007. If you'd like to participate or help organize activities in your community, please visit
http://www.urbanbirds.org/celebration for information, ideas, and free registration. It's a great event for youth groups,
bird clubs, garden clubs, libraries, museums, businesses, senior centers, and others. You or your group can spend as
much or as little time as you like participating in science, art, and gardening activities for birds and habitat improvement.
Come to a free workshop on Thursday, December 14, at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology to learn how to organize a
"Celebrate Urban Birds!" event in your neighborhood. Visit http://www.urbanbirds.org/celebration for more
information or email urbanbirds@cornell.edu . Some need-based travel scholarships will be available for educators
working with under-served audiences.
Take Aim at a New Record for the Great Backyard Bird Count!
The 10th annual Great Backyard Bird Count is coming up, February 16-19, 2007. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and
Audubon are challenging people everywhere to "Count for the
Record" by participating in greater numbers than ever before.
Greater participation provides more information about bird
population trends and helps to better inform conservation.
We need your help to spread the word in your community!
You'll find a downloadable poster and information on the web
site at http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc . If you'd like to be on
our list as a GBBC ambassador to help spread the word in your
community however you choose, please email Jennifer Smith
at jls39@cornell.edu with "GBBC ambassador" in the subject
line. In the body of the message, include your name, address,
phone number, and preferred email address. Write "Media OK"
if you are willing to be contacted by the media. All materials
are posted on the web site, but write "Mail packet" if you
would like to receive an ambassador packet in the mail.
Test Your Bird Brain
Brush up on your identification skills by taking the brand new
video birding quiz on our All About Birds web site
http://www.birds.cornell.edu/AllAboutBirds/birding123/identify/quiz . You'll see video footage of each bird and be able
to hear what it sounds like. If you really get stuck we'll give you a hint. It's a good way to practice for the both the Great
Backyard Bird Count and "Celebrate Urban Birds!"
Holiday Gift Ideas for Your Favorite Birder
Here are five gifts that include the sounds of birds or other wildlife from the Lab's Macaulay Library. Your purchase
helps support the Lab's mission in research, education, and citizen science focused on birds.
Croaking Crooner: motion-activated frog croaks and puffs out its throat http://www.amazon.com/Tomy-Croaking-Crooner-%252d-Green/dp/B000FKOX8K
Bird Songs: book of bird illustrations and a digital audio player with songs and calls of 250 species
Voices of North American Owls: 2-CD audio guide with 200 tracks http://www.onlinenaturemall.com/Birds
National Geographic Handheld Birds: interactive field guide with images and sounds of 867 species
Birds of North America Online: the most complete scientific information about every breeding bird in North America.
Special $25 annual rate for Lab members and citizen-science participants! Go to http://www.bna.birds.cornell.edu and
"Individual Subscription." Click "Subscribe Online Now" and enter promotional code CLM6. To purchase BNA Online
as a gift for someone else, contact
bna-sales@cornell.edu .
BirdSleuth game cards: Full color cards of 36 familiar birds with facts about range, habitat, nests, and food preferences
along with instructions for educational card games http://www.sapsuckerwoods.com/ .
Find thousands of other gift ideas at http://www.birds.cornell.edu/shop .
Enjoy the season, and thank you for your continued interest and support!
Your friends at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
BRIGHTON, UTAH - Bring a big bag of canned foods or dry foods to Brighton on Wednesday, Dec. 20 and get an all day lift ticket for $11.75. The food will be donated to the Utah Food Bank.
Last year, Brighton's skiers and riders generously donated 19,512 pounds of food to the Utah Food Bank - equivalent to 9,766 meals.
Everybody wins on Donation Wednesdays. Brighton rolls back its lift ticket price and organizations appreciate donations from Brighton's skiers and riders.
BRIGHTON, UTAH - Bring a new toy with a retail value of about $10 to Brighton on Wednesday, Dec.13 and get an all day lift ticket for $11.75. The toys will be donated to Toys for Tots.
Last year, Brighton's skiers and riders generously donated two truckloads of toys.
Brighton's third and final Donation Wednesday is scheduled for Dec. 20 to benefit the Utah Food Bank.
Everybody wins on Donation Wednesdays. Brighton rolls back its lift ticket price and the organizations appreciate the donations from Brighton's skiers and riders.
BRIGHTON, UTAH - Bring a new blanket, warm gloves or a warm hat to Brighton on Wednesday, Dec. 6 and get an all day lift ticket for $11.75. The items will be donated to the Road Home that provides support, shelter and helps to overcome homelessness. The Road Home helps nearly 800 people a day in winter months.
Other Donation Wednesdays are scheduled for Dec. 13 and Dec. 20 to benefit Toys for Tots and the Utah Food Bank.
Historically, more than a decade ago Brighton celebrated the installation of a new quad lift - a nuance in those days - by holding Quad Wednesdays. To honor the "four-ness," skies and riders could buy lift tickets for one-fourth the regular price.
Now, Brighton holds Donation Wednesdays and everybody wins. Brighton still rolls back its lift ticket price on Donation Wednesdays, and the organizations appreciate the generosity of Brighton's skiers and riders.
PODSKI Announces Launch of Website
Video ski lessons made available via the internet empower aspiring winter athletes to take their skills to the next level. Ski lessons on iPods to educate, enable, and entertain.
Salt Lake City, December 1, 2006: J. Rhett Frandsen, a Utah entrepreneur together with the PODSKI, INC. management team, today announced that the PODSKI website is live and ready for visitors. Designed and developed for winter athletes to download ability specific video ski lessons, the PODSKI site provides qualified instruction that can be viewed on iPods, Pocket PC's, or other media devices. PODSKI invites all that enjoy winter sports to visit the PODSKI site at http://www.podski.tv/ to preview lessons, read product descriptions, download videos, and communicate with others in the PODSKI community.
PODSKI puts professionally taught video ski lessons in the hands of skiers everywhere, allowing them to take their
skills to the next level. Skiers are able to watch lessons anywhere their mobile device can go…the lift, the line, the
lodge. The rapid spread of technology's reach has come to the ski industry and with
the wide spread use of mobile devices, people are looking for creative ways to get
information and entertainment. PODSKI is the bridge that allows technology to
complement skiing.
Our team of experienced, qualified, and certified professionals is dedicated to producing instructional videos designed for iPod users that educate, enable, and entertain customers. We want our customers to enjoy skiing as much as we do and if we can positively influence their experience, we will accomplish our goals.
Value to Consumer
PODSKI is the ultimate winter sports companion. Many skiers don't participate in a traditional ski lesson, for whatever reason, but they could still benefit from some qualified instruction--enter PODSKI. Video ski lessons from PODSKI, designed for iPod users, allow skiers to participate in carefully planned and edited video lessons that will guide the customer to a higher level of skiing. PODSKI allows skiers a new way to learn and enjoy the snow.
PODSKI also becomes a supplement to traditional ski lessons. Local resorts benefit in a number of ways; most by offering video guided tours, specialized ski lessons aimed at specific features of the resort, and pre/post-lesson guidance.
PODSKI lessons allow skiers to learn at their own pace and as a result enjoy their winter experience much more. The convenience of a PODSKI lesson is unmatched and the mobile video player technology dramatically accelerates the learning process for users.
The Products
PODSKI currently offers 11 downloadable video ski lessons that can be viewed on any device with video capabilities, such as an iPod, cell phone, pc, laptop, PSP, etc. All videos are available to download at http://www.podski.tv . Users simply watch the lesson at their own pace and implement the teachings on the mountain. Users can skip to different sections of each lesson, rewind, pause, etc.
By February 1, 2007, PODSKI will double content to offer over 20 lessons including; more steeps, park & pipe, snowboarding, and telemark skiing. Current lessons available on the site include the following:
1. Day One
2. Leaving the Wedge
3. Beginning Parallel
4. Full Parallel
5. Short Turns
6. Carving
7. Powder
8. Intro to Moguls
9. Crud
10. Intro to Park
11. Terrain
Partnership Opportunities
PODSKI is poised to align itself with multiple vendors, resorts, manufacturers, and ski industry suppliers. By generating exposure through avenues such as web-based partnerships, clubs and organizations, resorts, and ski films, PODSKI will become a valuable asset to the industry. For more information about partnership opportunities, visit our website at http://www.podski.tv/ or email us at info@podski.tv .
The long-awaited ice-over has finally occurred at Scofield Reservoir, signaling some of the best fishing of the year! Last week, the thermometer plunged to record lows, transforming a skiff of shoreline ice into a rock-solid frozen mass.
Early season ice fishing is traditionally some of the best of the year. Last weekend, anglers yanked out a number of 14-16 inch rainbows, mixed with some 6-8 inch planters, as well as cutthroats and a few pan-sized tiger trout.
Fishing success is an elusive combination of
where you fish, depth, technique and tackle. It
changes from day to day and hour to hour. Skill
and experience are as important here as in any
other sport.
Conservation officer and veteran angler, Mike Milburn fishes in 10-20 feet of water at this time of year. He tends his ice rod faithfully, jigging it periodically. Mike uses a small silver attractor like a Kastmaster or Stinger from which he removes the hook. In its place, Mike ties on 10-12 inches of leader, and finishes the rig with a 1/32 or 1/16 oz. chartreuse jig head. The jighead is tipped a piece of nightcrawler, meal worm, wax worm or small minnow. This set-up rarely fails Mike, who always has stories to share from his last angling adventure.
Aquatics Biologist Justin Hart volunteered to share some of his secrets as well. Justin likes to fish in 12-15 feet of water early in the season. When his tackle hits the bottom, Justin reels in a crank or two. Justin jigs the bait awhile and then raises it a foot or more at intervals, methodically sampling the entire water column. In terms of end tackle, Justin uses a 1/16 oz. spoon or Swedish Pimple tipped with a chunk of minnow about the size of a dime. Justin says he has also had good luck with a curlytail grub or ice fly and piece of nightcrawler or chunk of minnow meat.
As far as location, Justin offers a few recommendations. The west side just out from the Madsen Bay boat launch offers good fishing. Fishing around the island is another good bet year-round. The southeast side of the reservoir is ever-popular for good reason. Time of day is important too. If you can stand frigid temperatures, early morning is a good time to dip a line.
Come January 1st, a new regulation change takes effect at Scofield. The trout limit jumps from four to eight fish, doubling angler opportunity. If you haven't ice-fished Scofield, this is a great time to give it a try!
GENERAL Recent frigid temperatures have prematurely frozen lakes and reservoirs. The ice fishing season is on! Although early season ice fishing is terrific, don't let your enthusiasm throw caution to the wind. Keep ice fishing safety precautions in the back of your mind. Fish with a buddy. Carry a rescue rope and floatation device. Each angler should have a personal set of ice picks for self-rescue.
BOULGER RESERVOIR Todd Munford of King's Outdoor World says fishing for 12-14 inch rainbows has been good on the dam end of the lake in 12-15 feet of water. The ice is safe, but access is difficult. Todd recommends a 1/8 oz. jighead with a nightcrawler.
GIGLIOTTI POND Casey Olsen fished on Monday and reported 4-5 inches of ice. He caught seven 8-10 inch fish in one hour, using Velveta cheese.
HUNTINGTON NORTH STATE PARK Park Ranger Jerry Jones reports that there is a 1-3 inch layer of ice over the reservoir, although open water occurs where the ducks sit down. Jerry recommends that ice anglers wait a while, since ice thickness and strength is variable.
HUNTINGTON RESERVOIR (also known as MAMMOTH RESERVOIR at the top of Fairview Canyon)
Aquatics Manager Paul Birdsey reports good fishing, although bites
are light. He suggests getting started at sunrise, when the bite is best.
Paul recommends a chartreuse twist tail grub, hooked with a redside
shiner; or a chartreuse glo-bug, tipped with a nightcrawler or piece of
Todd Munford of King's Outdoor World reports six or more inches of ice. Todd says fishing is good for 12-16 inch tiger trout in 10 feet of water. Todd recommends using a Swedish Pimple or Kastmaster tipped with a nightcrawler off the east shoreline about mid-lake. He suggests bringing a small shovel since the snow pack is fairly deep. Closed to the possession of cutthroat trout.
JOES VALLEY RESERVOIR The reservoir opens to fishing on Saturday, December 9th. Good fishing is expected.
LAKE POWELL Visit wayne@wayneswords.com for the weekly report, provided by Wayne Gustaveson, DWR project leader.
LASAL MOUNTAINS All mountain reservoirs are frozen.
SCOFIELD RESERVOIR The reservoir is covered with ice, and thick enough for safe foot traffic. Fishing has been excellent and good fishing is expected to continue.
Aquatics Biologist Justin Hart suggests that anglers fish just off the bottom in 12-15 feet of water. Try a 1/16 oz. spoon or Swedish Pimple, tipped with a chunk of minnow about the size of a dime. Another good rig is a curlytail grub or ice fly hooked to a piece of nightcrawler or chunk of minnow meat.
Conservation officer Mike Milburn recommends fishing in 10-20 feet of water with a small silver attractor like a Kastmaster or Stinger, tied to 10-12 inches of leader and tipped with a small chartreuse jig head, and hooked to a piece of nightcrawler, meal worm, wax worm or small minnow.
STRAIGHT CANYON CREEK Tom Ogden fished on Sunday and had good success with a #10 beadhead red San Juan worm or a #14 beadhead midge pupa pattern. He caught one tiger, one cutthroat and the rest were browns. One brown was about 17-inches long. The other fish were in the 11-13 inch range.